⎯ GENERAL: first approach to the profession of decorative painter, equipment and how to maintain it, marouflage techniques, protection of decorations etc.
⎯ PATINES : Acrylic, lime, antique, Paris stone
⎯ COLORS : Theory and harmonization – Tone constructions
⎯ WOOD IMITATION: Elm burl, Mahogany, Walnut, Rosewood, Oak, Maple
⎯ MARBLE IMITATION: Veined White, Portor, Sienna Yellow, Sea Green, Grand Antique, Royal Red, Breche Violette
⎯ OCEANIC LANDSCAPE: Dunes, beach, roll, foam
⎯ MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPE: Atmospheric perspective
⎯ GROTESQUE ORNEMENTATION: reproduction of the model. Floral compositions in interlacing, chimerical and/or symbolic attributes, human or animal representation, mascaron.
⎯ PIETRA DURA – HARD STONE MARQUETRY: reproduction of the model. Lapis lazuli, Agate, Carnelian, Malachite, Tortoise shell
⎯CLAIR OBSCUR APPLIED TO ARCHITECTURAL ORNAMENTS- TROMPE L’ŒIL ARCHITECTURAL: Source of light and intensity, spinning technique allowing to make pilasters, balusters, mouldings, bases, capitals, rosettes in trompe l’oeil
⎯ GRISAILLE: Bas-relief in trompe l’oeil
⎯ PAINTING WITH ZUBER PAINTED PAPER: reproduction of models.
⎯ PANORAMIC WALL SCENERY: reproduction of the model. Composition and creation of a landscape in large format, trees, architectures, geometric and atmospheric perspective level III, the sfumato level II
⎯ DRAPES IN TROMPE L’OEIL: the draping technique adapted to the theatre set and heritage.
⎯ TROMPE L’ŒIL DE CHEVALET: reproduction of the model. The realism of the materials on a scale of 1
⎯ AZULEJOS IN TROMPE L’ŒIL: The transparency of earthenware, wear, cracks, patinas
⎯ GILDING ON THE LEAF: Mixing on mouldings and in flat areas
⎯ TROMPE L’ŒIL SKY – day and night
⎯ COPY OF A PAINTING: reproduction of the model. From priming to varnishing, the techniques of the great Masters of easel painting