1. A training course for decorative painters adapted to the working world and to artistic creation as it is given by an active craftsman.
2. An institution and a course director who have received the highest distinctions from the French state.
– Meilleur Ouvrier de France painter in decoration.
– Labelled “Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant” (Living Heritage Company) “l’Excellence des savoir-faire français”.
– Establishment registered with the Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
– Sworn expert of the Court of Appeal of Versailles – speciality: Métiers d’Art
– Grand Prix for technical books for “Décors-peints et trompe l’œil” published by Eyrolles
3. The only institution in the Ile-de-France region to award a level V “Decorative Painter” degree recognised by the French government and throughout Europe (equivalent to BAC+2, BTS, DUT) – Source: France compétence, the supervisory authority for professional training (originally autorité de tutelle de la formation professionnelle).
4. The highest return to employment rate at the end of the training – Source France compétence
5. Jean Sablé, Founder and sole teacher in his eponymous school: a warranty of commitment, responsibility and proximity.
6. 1500 students trained in Europe and the United States: an international reputation.
7. Clear, precise, step-by-step demonstrations, proven by 35 years of experience, with a constant concern for the transmission of know-how in the pursuit of excellence.
8. Bright and welcoming premises specially adapted to the learning of the profession of decorative painter.
9. A follow-up for students that goes well beyond the training.
10. A family tradition of decorative painting that has been passed down through three generations.